On May 26, 2021, we posted a blog concerning a Third Circuit Court of Appeals decision in Leyse v. Bank of America. Mr. Leyse understood the blog as indicating that the court found that Mr. Leyse had engaged in what the blog called “TCPA call baiting” (the TCPA is the Telephone Consumer Protection Act). We removed the blog and retract any and all portions of it that might have been understood as indicating that the court found that Mr. Leyse had sought, as the blog’s definition of “TCPA call baiting” stated, “to generate calls [or] text messages, done to try to entrap telemarketers into violating the TCPA.”

Do Not Disturb: Observe Telemarketing Hours!
Last month, a putative class action Complaint was filed against Dave & Buster’s (“Defendant”) for allegedly failing to observe proper telemarketing hours. In Laureta v.