April 14, 2016
In today’s e-commerce dominated economy, it is critical for alarm companies to not only have a strong Internet presence, but to also ensure that such presence is compliant with applicable state and federal laws, rules and regulations. Additionally, having consumer friendly interfaces, with optimized online registration and/or purchasing flows can help maximize an alarm company’s recurring monthly revenue, while also providing invaluable marketing opportunities for additional products and/or services.
What are some steps that alarm companies can take to enhance their online presence?
The importance of website terms and conditions and privacy policies cannot be overstated, as they generally govern the relationship between website operators and their end-users. Bear in mind, however, that one size does not fit all when it comes to these agreements. For example, alarm companies must be vigilant to ensure that their website terms and conditions are not drafted in such a manner that they can be interpreted to supersede some of the critically important protective provisions that properly drafted alarm contracts should contain. These include limitations of liability, waivers of subrogation and exculpatory provisions.
Likewise, it is essential for alarm companies to not overlook the important relationship that well-designed purchase and/or registration flows have with regard to the ultimate validity of such terms and conditions and/or privacy policies. In the event of a dispute between an alarm company and a customer, it will be critical to demonstrate that the customer had proper notice of these agreements if the alarm company wishes to rely on them to its benefit.
Ensuring Optimized Online Presence for Alarm Companies
The potential financial benefits that can be derived from a database of consumer information, as well as from the protections afforded by website terms and conditions and privacy policies generally means that it is a must to employ these agreements. However, the complex regulatory framework governing online contracting, including the collection, use and sharing of personally identifiable information, mandate that the most comprehensive terms and conditions, privacy policies and purchasing/registration flows are each tailored to the needs of each business, and that they provide customers with the information that they require to make informed decisions about alarm company services, their personal data and how it is used. As such, it is imperative for alarm companies that have an online presence to work closely with qualified legal counsel to ensure that their website terms and conditions and privacy policies are legally compliant, provide adequate protection for the alarm company, and are crafted in such a way as to maximize the generation of revenue.
If you are interested in this topic, or need to set up your company’s online terms and conditions, privacy policies or purchase/registration flow, please e-mail us at info@kleinmoynihan.com, or call us at (212) 246-0900.
The material contained herein is provided for information purposes only and is not legal advice, nor is it a substitute for obtaining legal advice from an attorney. Each situation is unique, and you should not act or rely on any information contained herein without seeking the advice of an experienced attorney.
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